記憶血栓發生的原因,可以參考德國病理學家Rudolf Virchow(1821-1902)針對肺栓塞成因提出的假說,稱之Virchow's triad。
許多患者擁有一個以上的危險因子,先天血液成分異常,遇上後天的加重因子 (手術、懷孕、長期臥床、口服避孕藥)。
遺傳性血栓病即先天具有高凝血狀態 (hypercoagulable state),其中歐美多以factor V Leiden mutation及prothrombin gene mutation最多,佔其中5-6成。
然而,東方人卻以Protein C deficiency、Protein S deficiency和AT deficiency為多(約佔6成),factor V Leiden mutation及prothrombin gene mutation卻甚罕見,剛好相反。
編按:AT deficiency過去被稱作Anti-thrombin III deficiency
其中以AT deficiency較於對照組,相對風險增加最高倍(16倍)。[3]
Protein S缺乏者發生第一次血栓事件的年齡中位數14.5歲 [4];
Protein C缺乏者如有血栓家族史,可能早在20-30歲發生,無家族史者可能晚在30-40歲才發病。[5-6]
2. 網路內科繼續教育(103年9月)
3. Martinelli I, Mannucci PM, De Stefano V, Taioli E, Rossi V, Crosti F, Paciaroni K, Leone G, Faioni EM. Different risks of thrombosis in four coagulation defects associated with inherited thrombophilia: a study of 150 families. Blood. 1998;92(7):2353.
4. Klostermeier UC, Limperger V, Kenet G, et al. Role of protein S deficiency in children with venous thromboembolism. An observational international cohort study. Thromb Haemost 2015; 113:426.
5. Mustafa S, Mannhalter C, Rintelen C, et al. Clinical features of thrombophilia in families with gene defects in protein C or protein S combined with factor V Leiden. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 1998; 9:85.
6. Lensen RP, Rosendaal FR, Koster T, et al. Apparent different thrombotic tendency in patients with factor V Leiden and protein C deficiency due to selection of patients. Blood 1996; 88:4205.
1. 下列容易引發栓塞之遺傳性缺陷中,何者在台灣最常見?
A. Antithrombin III deficiency
B. Protein C deficiency
C. Protein S deficiency
D. FactorV Leiden mutation
E. Prothrombin 20210A mutation
2. 何者不是造成東方人thrombophilia 的原因?
A Protein C deficiency
B Protein S deficiency
C Increased level of factor II (prothrombin) G20210A mutation
D Anti-thrombin III deficiency
3. 懷疑 Protein C缺乏時,可適用於鑑別診斷之試驗為:
(A) Protein C抗原量
(B) C4b 攜帶蛋白(Binding protein)量
(C) Protein C活性
(D) 活化 Protein C 抗性(Activated protein C resistance
4. 當一位健康新生兒出生數小時內發生皮膚壞死性紫斑(necrotic purpura)及血管栓塞的neonatal purpura fulminans,最可能是下列那一種遺傳性疾病?
(A) Protein C缺乏
(B) Protein S缺乏
(C) 血友病(hemophilia)
(D) von Willebrand病
5. 下列何者不是導致靜脈栓塞的因素?
A.Antithrombin deficiency
B.Factor V deficiency
C.Prothrombin G20210A variant
D.Protein C deficiency
記憶血栓發生的原因,可以參考德國病理學家Rudolf Virchow(1821-1902)針對肺栓塞成因提出的假說,稱之Virchow's triad。
- Alterations in blood flow (血流異常)
- Vascular endothelial injury (血管內皮異常)
- Alterations in the constituents of the blood (血液成分異常)
許多患者擁有一個以上的危險因子,先天血液成分異常,遇上後天的加重因子 (手術、懷孕、長期臥床、口服避孕藥)。
遺傳性血栓病即先天具有高凝血狀態 (hypercoagulable state),其中歐美多以factor V Leiden mutation及prothrombin gene mutation最多,佔其中5-6成。
然而,東方人卻以Protein C deficiency、Protein S deficiency和AT deficiency為多(約佔6成),factor V Leiden mutation及prothrombin gene mutation卻甚罕見,剛好相反。
編按:AT deficiency過去被稱作Anti-thrombin III deficiency
其中以AT deficiency較於對照組,相對風險增加最高倍(16倍)。[3]
Protein S缺乏者發生第一次血栓事件的年齡中位數14.5歲 [4];
Protein C缺乏者如有血栓家族史,可能早在20-30歲發生,無家族史者可能晚在30-40歲才發病。[5-6]
1. UpToDate: Overview of the causes of venous thrombosis2. 網路內科繼續教育(103年9月)
3. Martinelli I, Mannucci PM, De Stefano V, Taioli E, Rossi V, Crosti F, Paciaroni K, Leone G, Faioni EM. Different risks of thrombosis in four coagulation defects associated with inherited thrombophilia: a study of 150 families. Blood. 1998;92(7):2353.
4. Klostermeier UC, Limperger V, Kenet G, et al. Role of protein S deficiency in children with venous thromboembolism. An observational international cohort study. Thromb Haemost 2015; 113:426.
5. Mustafa S, Mannhalter C, Rintelen C, et al. Clinical features of thrombophilia in families with gene defects in protein C or protein S combined with factor V Leiden. Blood Coagul Fibrinolysis 1998; 9:85.
6. Lensen RP, Rosendaal FR, Koster T, et al. Apparent different thrombotic tendency in patients with factor V Leiden and protein C deficiency due to selection of patients. Blood 1996; 88:4205.
考題 CCA(or C)AB
1. 下列容易引發栓塞之遺傳性缺陷中,何者在台灣最常見?
A. Antithrombin III deficiency
B. Protein C deficiency
C. Protein S deficiency
D. FactorV Leiden mutation
E. Prothrombin 20210A mutation
2. 何者不是造成東方人thrombophilia 的原因?
A Protein C deficiency
B Protein S deficiency
C Increased level of factor II (prothrombin) G20210A mutation
D Anti-thrombin III deficiency
3. 懷疑 Protein C缺乏時,可適用於鑑別診斷之試驗為:
(A) Protein C抗原量
(B) C4b 攜帶蛋白(Binding protein)量
(C) Protein C活性
(D) 活化 Protein C 抗性(Activated protein C resistance
4. 當一位健康新生兒出生數小時內發生皮膚壞死性紫斑(necrotic purpura)及血管栓塞的neonatal purpura fulminans,最可能是下列那一種遺傳性疾病?
(A) Protein C缺乏
(B) Protein S缺乏
(C) 血友病(hemophilia)
(D) von Willebrand病
5. 下列何者不是導致靜脈栓塞的因素?
A.Antithrombin deficiency
B.Factor V deficiency
C.Prothrombin G20210A variant
D.Protein C deficiency